Banana Cake

So I made bananacake for the first time and it turned out pretty damn good.


  • 125 gram butter
  • 200 gram sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla powder
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  • 250 gram flower
  • 4 ripe bananas

Just mix everything together in that order one by one (mash the bananas of course) and bake it in a pre heated oven at 170°C for an hour. Tastes even better the day after. Enjoy!

Also listen to this awesome song my awesome friend Kenny made for another awesome friend called Fearn about this awesome thing called Britland City. Awesome info in the awesome description.

Britland city can also be found here, & here.

Update catch up!

So yes, I haven’t updated much this week but I’ve been so incredibly busy you have no idea. I also was quite sick for a few days and my headaches just didn’t allow me to sit infront of a screen for too long. But I’m back now aw yea, party!

Alright so first of all, I’ve finished reading The catcher in the rye and well, I didn’t really like it all that much. Honestly, the main character annoyed me more than entertain me. He mostly just hates, complains and calls everyone phonies during the whole book. At first it’s fine and it makes you realize, ok, the guy is definitely not with the mainstream crowd. But he never does anything else and complains about everyone and everything he sees. Halfway the book that gets really irritating. Besides that he has another annoying habit: telling stories that are completely irrelevant. He actually mentions that he himself likes to drift away from topics, but again, after a while I just started thinking, where is the writer going with this? It just made the character (whose a teenager) seem like an old man whose desperately trying to have conversations and brings up anything that comes to mind. Perhaps this was the point of the writer, but either way, it makes reading the book a let less enjoyable.  In the end I just felt meh about this book. Maybe I just don’t get it, but I wont be reading it again for a long time. As for the next next book I’ve started, that would be Paper Towns by John Green.

Artwise I’ve practiced a lot of full body sketches and I’m getting slowly, but surely, better. I’ve also done a couple of actual complete drawings which you’ll see at the end of the month in the sketchdump. I also felt like making something Majora’s Mask related, so have this. I’m quite happy with the result. Hands down the best game in the series still. I may make more of these if I get positive feedback, so it’s up to you!

What else? due to sickness i didn’t train for a few days but I’m getting back into groove again now. For Valentine I went out for dinner with Doro and we had a great time. We didn’t do anything more as I’m not a big fan of Valentine’s and I show her that I love her every day anyways, the woman knows! <3. Lastly, I’ve also been more active on my Tumblr again, so go check that out. I’m currently doing a 30 day Zelda question challenge. I would post these here, but I don’t want to make this a full out Zelda blog. Let me know your Tumblr if you have one too!

I got the whole next week off so you can expect lots of updates to make up of the lack before. And that’s all, so you all have a fine evening now =)

Top 10 Legend of Zelda Dungeon Themes

I’m in a very Zelda mood (gee, what a surprise) so today I’m giving you my top 10 favorite temple songs out of all the games. It wasn’t easy, because in truth, I first wanted to do just a top 10 Zelda songs in general, but it became clear very quickly that there’s no way I could have narrowed that down. So instead I picked temples as a theme. That also means I’m likely going to do another top 10 Zelda songs in the future. Zelda fans rejoice, non-Zelda fans… get the hell out of here!

10 –  Oracle of Seasons – Dancing Dragon Dungeon

Perhaps a little surprising, and likely not even recognizable by people who don’t know the series that well, or have only started to play the series a few years ago. This is by all means a very simple repeating song, but out of all 16 dungeons songs from the Oracle games, this one is the one I most remember. Just a simple, catchy song which is more than worthy to kick of this list at number 10.

09 – Spirit Tracks – Tower of Spirits

A second, but more recent, handheld one! Say what you want about the train, but I really loved Spirit Tracks. The Tower of Spirits music is one of the games songs that I can still remember perfectly and I feel it works very nicely with the idea that you’re working as a team, trying to climb higher and higher.

08 – The Wind Waker – Earth Temple

I don’t know what it is about this song, but I just really, really liked it from the first time I heard it. It just struck as familiar straight away, and it still does. Is it just me or does this song borrow from something else that I just can’t seem to remember?

07 – a Link to the Past – Dark World Dungeon

Absolute classic. This one counts for most temples in a Link to the Past, but hell it still gives me goosebumps. Back when I was a kid this song actually scared me for a while so every time I got into a temple I just walked out straight away. Why I never realized I could just turn the volume down is beyond me.

06 – The Minish Cap – Temple of Droplets

Yes, yet another handheld song, I swear I’m not doing it on purpose, just one more after this and it’s all console! Minish Cap has some really interesting music, and this is one song that I felt worked so perfectly with the temple itself. It’s cold, it’s slow and it’s there to remind you that you are now the size of a thumb inside an icecold place.

05 – Skyward Sword – Earth Temple

Oh hey, another Earth Temple song. While Twilight Princess was rather disappointing when it came to dungeon music (you wont find any in this list) Skyward Sword thankfully improved mostly on that part. Maybe I just really like Earth Temple themed music, but you can’t deny this is quite catchy. It’s so awesome that I can feel the lava heat when just listening to it!

04 – The Minish Cap – Palace of Winds

And we’re back at the Minish Cap and the last handheld song in this list. For a handheld midi song this one is quite epic in my opinion. It starts out all nice and slowly being all: welcome to our humble Palace, enjoy your stay… and then it starts building up and it’s all BAZAM YOU IN THE SKY PALACE B*TCH! FEEL LIKE A BIRD!

03 – Skyward Sword – Lanayru Mining Facility (past)

In all honesty, I wasn’t too fond of this song at first, but it has started to grow on me quite a lot, especially the “past” version. It’s rather different from what you’re used to in a Zelda game, but then again, so is the whole damn facility. The present version is kinda so and so when you enter, but the moment you hit a timeshift stone and everything goes back to it’s earlier state, and the music suddenly hits you with it’s percussion, then it’s all “woah”.

02 – Ocarina of Time – Forest Temple

Eery, spooky, scary, haunting are several ways to describe this song. Brilliant is the term I like to use when someone asks me my opinion. It may not be catchy, or epic or have a lot of variation, but when you first enter this place and you’re just a kid, and that music starts playing… you just try your best to not pee your pants. Then a short while later your first wallmaster drops out of nowhere making that even more scary sound and you pee your pants anyway.

01 – Majora’s Mask – Stone Tower Temple

And, perhaps not surprisingly if you know Majora’s Mask is my favorite game, is Stone Tower Temple. Not only is this one of the most insane temples in any Zelda game, it has some, if not the best, temple music in the whole series. It has a catchy tune, yet the deep and heavy voices give it a certain strong impression. It makes you feel, wow, I’m way over my head here. Then you turn the whole place upside down and everything is literally hanging over your head. The music changes a long and while still maintaining the same tune everything suddenly sounds a lot more eery and it feels like you’re in a completely different place. A well deserved number 1 spot in my opinion.

So tell me, when it comes to your favorite dungeon theme, which one would it be?

New books

Hello there! It’s been a somewhat hectic and busy weekend so I didn’t get to posting this Sunday, sorry for that! Nothing too much new has been going on however, so it’s not like I’m behind on any updates. The only 2 noteworthy things are that I’ve been drawing a bit more full body pictures and that I treated myself on 4 new books, yay me!

Tales of Beedle the Bard I’ve already nearly completed, but it’s a quick and light read so understandable. I love the cover btw, it’s a lovely design. Then since I really liked The fault in our stars and Looking for Alaska I went ahead and got me John Green’s two other books as well. Lastly, The catcher in the rye, because I’ve heard nothing but good about it and figured I might as well give it a shot. You’ll find out my opinion on these on my goodreads as I finish them. If any of the few people who check my blog have suggestions for good books (I’ll go for any genre really) let me know!

Now I’ve got quite a busy week ahead I’m afraid. An exam, some tasks to finish and a Valentine diner, so updates may be a bit slower this week. No worries though, after that I’ll be having a lot more free time and I’ll be able to post more again. I’ll quickly update the goal list as well after this post. Exercising is going really great btw, my condition is definitely improving.

And on a totally unrelated note, I’m still freezing my ass of.

Professor Layton & The Last Specter

And so I finished my first game of the year. Since I have no clue what to post today I might as well write a short opinion about it!

Out of the 4 games I can honestly say that this one gets 2nd place. I love all them all, but story wise this was one of the more acceptable and believable games. Honestly, The Unwound Future was a good game, but a replica of future London in the build under actual London was stretching it for me. The story in this one is a lot more realistic and feels more like The Curious Village. With this information you should now be able to work out which one is my favorite, it’s like a puzzle! (worth like only 5 picarats, but still). I could work out several mystery’s before the game actually revealed them, but there was still a good amount of answers I had as well. I really liked seeing the professor and Luke meeting up for the first time, and personally I really like Emmy as a character. As with every game the animation and art are inspiring to me and the town of Misthallery is beautifully designed. It’s stuff like this why I’m into drawing.

Music fits the scenery too and especially the puzzle theme is still firmly stuck in my head. I know it’s just going to pop in my head every time I have to think about something for the next few weeks, because I’m nerdy like that. The puzzles themselves were balanced, but a few with a high picarat amount I found ridiculously easy. Then again, a few that were only 20 picarats had me stuck. Puzzle 145 specifically drove me insane and the one with the UFO I still can’t solve. Lastly there’s the minigames, which I still need to complete and will be doing so in the next few days. They’re nothing too special, but fun, so no complaints there. I think that kinda covers most of it, so all in all, really good game, as I’ve come to expect from Layton.  I’m looking forward to the next game as always.

And in other unrelated and totally unimportant news, my toes are cold. See you this weekend!

January Sketchdump

As promised, here’s my first sketchdump of the year. When looking back at this month, I realize that while I have practiced drawing bodies in basic shapes, I haven’t actually drawn any real full body pictures. That’s kind of odd considering I’ve put so much time in practicing. I suppose I don’t feel confident enough yet to completely go for it, but I’ll try and improve and dare to go more complicated starting now. Already on the bright side, I’m definitely starting to draw more than just standard 3/4 with straight arms, so that’s a good sign. A long way to go but I’m totally up for it!

Hope you like my work, but I always enjoy criticism, positive or negative, so feel free to leave a comment. Also, why not drop a question or a request?

Figure Close Up – Day 7

And here we are on this dawn of the final day! I saved my favorite figures from my all time favorite game for last. Why yes, you get 2 for the price of one today, because these two just fit together perfectly.

It’s not straight away noticable, but sadly my Fierce Deity Link is missing a piece of his ear. Back when I bought it I made the mistake of not checking the box first, so when I opened it afterwards he was actually decapitated. Words still can’t express my rage when I saw it and I was really disappointed. Thankfully I did manage to glue the head back on properly with the correct materials, but that piece of ear was nowhere to be found. Still it currently stands as one of my favorite & biggest figures. The Skullkid figure however is in perfect state and you have no idea how glad I am to have it. Majora’s Mask honestly is my favorite out of all the Zelda games, and yes, that includes OoT or LttP, deal with it.

And that was the first out of 12 photo themes, I hope you liked this one and tips or ideas are always welcome for the future challenges.

I’ve also gone ahead and updated my goals. I know there’s still 2 days left till the month is over but I feel it’s more appropriate to do this every end of the week. I went this whole week with just water and 3 cups of coffee so that’s 1/4 for that challenge. I’m honestly craving for some Fanta right now so I don’t think I could keep going on water just alone, but I will try and make it a habit to drink more water than soda in the future. When it comes to reading I finished both Quidditch through the ages & Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them. Not particularly long books, but they count! Besides that just the usual stuff like exercising, drawing, etc. have all been done.

Things I’ve failed at so far are:

  • Running twice a month: Absolutely no running was done, but again, it’s freezing outside and I don’t feel like getting sick any time soon.
  • Do a video every month: I’ve had no idea about what to do one so far, suggestions are welcome
  • Do something Graphic Design Related outside of school: Because honestly I couldn’t be bothered and preferred to focus on my traditional art so it’s not really a loss for me.

So for  my first month I think I did pretty good. I’ll do my best to catch up with the things I haven’t done, but I’m not forcing myself anything, only when I actually feel like doing them.

That’s all for today, so I’ll see you guys back with my first Sketchdump of the month on Tuesday!

Figure Close Up – Day 5 & 6

My apologies, but I just didn’t have the time to update yesterday, so I’ll post 2  in one go again today.

So, who doesn’t love Donkey Kong? I even added Dixie to make up for not posting yesterday! I sadly don’t have Diddy though, and I’m not even sure a figure of him exists because I’ve never been able to find back one. But then again there has to be one right? It would just be odd if they only did a Dixie and left Diddy out. Perhaps one day I’ll get lucky and I’ll be able to make the Country Trio complete. As for Shy Guy, I think he’s a severe underused enemy in Mario games and we should see a lot more of him! I mean look at him, his design is so simple yet awesome, so I was quite happy to have him as a playable character in Mario Kart 7.

See you back tomorrow for the last close up!

Figure Close Up – Day 4

Justice will prevail no matter what!See you tomorrow!

Figure Close Up – Day 3

Critical thinking is the key to success!LaytonMake sure to check back tomorrow!