Category Archives: Books

Update catch up!

So yes, I haven’t updated much this week but I’ve been so incredibly busy you have no idea. I also was quite sick for a few days and my headaches just didn’t allow me to sit infront of a screen for too long. But I’m back now aw yea, party!

Alright so first of all, I’ve finished reading The catcher in the rye and well, I didn’t really like it all that much. Honestly, the main character annoyed me more than entertain me. He mostly just hates, complains and calls everyone phonies during the whole book. At first it’s fine and it makes you realize, ok, the guy is definitely not with the mainstream crowd. But he never does anything else and complains about everyone and everything he sees. Halfway the book that gets really irritating. Besides that he has another annoying habit: telling stories that are completely irrelevant. He actually mentions that he himself likes to drift away from topics, but again, after a while I just started thinking, where is the writer going with this? It just made the character (whose a teenager) seem like an old man whose desperately trying to have conversations and brings up anything that comes to mind. Perhaps this was the point of the writer, but either way, it makes reading the book a let less enjoyable.  In the end I just felt meh about this book. Maybe I just don’t get it, but I wont be reading it again for a long time. As for the next next book I’ve started, that would be Paper Towns by John Green.

Artwise I’ve practiced a lot of full body sketches and I’m getting slowly, but surely, better. I’ve also done a couple of actual complete drawings which you’ll see at the end of the month in the sketchdump. I also felt like making something Majora’s Mask related, so have this. I’m quite happy with the result. Hands down the best game in the series still. I may make more of these if I get positive feedback, so it’s up to you!

What else? due to sickness i didn’t train for a few days but I’m getting back into groove again now. For Valentine I went out for dinner with Doro and we had a great time. We didn’t do anything more as I’m not a big fan of Valentine’s and I show her that I love her every day anyways, the woman knows! <3. Lastly, I’ve also been more active on my Tumblr again, so go check that out. I’m currently doing a 30 day Zelda question challenge. I would post these here, but I don’t want to make this a full out Zelda blog. Let me know your Tumblr if you have one too!

I got the whole next week off so you can expect lots of updates to make up of the lack before. And that’s all, so you all have a fine evening now =)

New books

Hello there! It’s been a somewhat hectic and busy weekend so I didn’t get to posting this Sunday, sorry for that! Nothing too much new has been going on however, so it’s not like I’m behind on any updates. The only 2 noteworthy things are that I’ve been drawing a bit more full body pictures and that I treated myself on 4 new books, yay me!

Tales of Beedle the Bard I’ve already nearly completed, but it’s a quick and light read so understandable. I love the cover btw, it’s a lovely design. Then since I really liked The fault in our stars and Looking for Alaska I went ahead and got me John Green’s two other books as well. Lastly, The catcher in the rye, because I’ve heard nothing but good about it and figured I might as well give it a shot. You’ll find out my opinion on these on my goodreads as I finish them. If any of the few people who check my blog have suggestions for good books (I’ll go for any genre really) let me know!

Now I’ve got quite a busy week ahead I’m afraid. An exam, some tasks to finish and a Valentine diner, so updates may be a bit slower this week. No worries though, after that I’ll be having a lot more free time and I’ll be able to post more again. I’ll quickly update the goal list as well after this post. Exercising is going really great btw, my condition is definitely improving.

And on a totally unrelated note, I’m still freezing my ass of.