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A look back at 2011

Well folks, it’s the last day of 2011 so you know what that means! Here’s an overview of the good and bad from this year, in no particular order. Also for the people who’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ll notice the place suddenly got a lot more colorful. It’s not final yet but I’m on a tight schedule today so I’ll be making some small changes to the layout in the following week still. Hope you like the brighter look, if it’s too much, please do let me know.


– I finally decided to quit my job after much consideration
– Decided to study Graphic & Webdesign instead, and I’m really happy with that choice
– I no longer feel lost and pulled myself back together again. I now know what want, and need, in life
– An official holiday in Greece with just me & Dorothy
– Lot’s of other happy memories and moments with Dorothy
– Meeting up with Sharpy & Fearn
– Meeting up with Micha & Jenna
– A BBQ that ended with a waterfight
– Batman Live
– Became a coffee drinker
– Started to read a lot more
– The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and all the 25 year anniversary things that came with it
– A bunch of other great games like Ghost Trick, Super Mario 3D Land, Skyrim & Deus Ex
– Kenny’s Minecraft server
– First time carving pumpkins
– Youtube entertainment (Wheezy Waiter, Vlogbrothers, Roosterteeth)


– A ridicilous amount of train delays
– Small car accident (honestly it’s just my license plate that has a small bump in it now)
– Falling down an open staircase on a concrete floor, knocking my back out for a few weeks
– Had to throw up for the first time in years
– Accidentally deleting my youtube account


Rather than doing resolutions this year, I’ve decided to go with a challenge list instead, which begins and will be uploaded January 2nd. The page is already up and can be found on the top.


2011 for me was somewhat of a breakthrough. I was working for 5 years in the same place and I just felt I was going nowhere with it. I finally made up my mind and took a risk to try something else, and it has done me wonders. A lot of great stuff happened, and very little things that can be considered terribly bad happened (with the exception of nr. 3) so I consider myself very lucky.

I also want to thank Dorothy for being such a wonderful girlfriend. You’re caring, sweet, cute, silly, funny, beautiful and you’re always there for me. If it wasn’t for you I’d still feel lost and I wouldn’t be the person I am today. You’re one of the most important people in my life and I’m a lucky guy to have a girl like you love me. Thank you for all the happy moments and memories we’ve shared together, and I can’t wait to make more in 2012. And never forget, I love you very much! ❤

Lastly, I want to say extra thanks to all my online friends in particular. I know I say this every year, but that’s because I mean it and want to make sure you guys never forget or doubt me. No matter how far you live from me, no matter how little we sometimes speak, you guys will always be friends in my heart and mind, and will always be welcome for a visit if you can make it over here. Since I no longer have a job it’s not as easy to make it over like previous years, but count on it that I will do the best I can, if even for a short visit. You guys/girls are an important part of my life too, and you’re all partly responsible for the person I am today as well, and I’m truly & honestly gratefull for that.

Here’s to 2012, and in case the world really would end, we might as well make the best out of it right?!


PS: I’ve also decided to activate my formspring account again for 2012, so feel free to go and ask questions there!

Love, Jin.